A renowned politician of the Indian National Congress and the Lok Sabha, Kamal Nath represents Chhindwara constituency of MP. In 1980, he first won the first Chhindwara Lok Sabha Seat and after that there was no looking back for this man, Kamal Nath achieved many milestones.
Born in Kanpur, Kamal Nath studied at The Doon School and earned B.Com. degree from St. Xavier’s College, University of Calcutta. He also had great interest in sports; he was a member of Calcutta Cricket and Football Clubs, Ex-Chief supporter of Delhi District, Cricket Association and Delhi Flying Club. Apart being known as a strong political leader, Kamal Nath showed interest in publishing a book called India’s Environmental Concerns. During Kamal Nath’s time in position of responsibility as Minister of Environment & Forests, he lent a great support to the articulation and development of the National Policy on Ecological Conservation and to reduce the pollution level.
Kamal Nath’s political journey started early in 1968 when he joined Indian National Congress as a youth worker. Later in 1980 he was, for the first time elected to the Lok Sabha from the constituency of Chhindwara . Since then Kamal Nath’s political career just kept on flourishing.
Achievements in political career:
- Kamal Nath was elected to Lok Sabha in 1980, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2009.
- In June 1991 he was elected as Minister of Environment & Forests.
- In 1995-96, Kamal Nath served as Union Minister of State, Textiles.
- He was the General Secretary of the INC from 2001 to 2004.
- In 2004, he was elected as Union Cabinet Minister of Commerce & Industry.
- In 2009 and 2014, he won the elections for Chhindwara constituency, Madhya Pradesh.
- In 2009 he was designated as Minister of for Road Transport and Highways.
- In 2011 he was elected as Minister of Urban Development.
- In October 2012, Kamal Nath was elected as Minister of parliamentary affairs & urban development.
Achievements in business field:
Not only in political line, Kamal Nath made remarkable contribution in business field too.
- Kamal Nath was elected as the President of the governors board for the Institute of Management Technology
- He became the chairman of Child Development Council, Madhya Pradesh
Prestigious awards and recognition won by Kamal Nath:
Kamal Nath, he is a popular political figure who has won great recognition
- In 2006 he was appreciated by Honorary Doctorate presented by Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur.
- The FDI magazine and the Financial Times Business honoured Kamal Nath with the title of ‘FDI Personality of the Year’.
- In 2008 he was entitled as Business Reformer of the Year by The Economic Times.
- In 2011, Kamal Nath was recognized as the richest Cabinet Minister of India who possessed assets worth Rs. 2.73 billion.
- In 2012 at the Asian Business Leadership Forum Awards, he was honoured with ABLF Statesman Award.
Kamal Nath is a strong political personality with immense knowledge and principles and he dedicatedly work towards progress of Chhindwara.
Image Source: wikipedia.org