Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – an Immortal Woman who Dedicated Life for Humanity

During the time of India’s Independent Movement, many youth were inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s views and joined the movement, including a young girl who lived in his Ashram following his preaching who later grew up as a divine woman of our country, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Born in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh as Nirmala Salve was later known as Nirmala Shrivastava ( after marriage) and due to her immense contribution to humanity, she became popular as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.  Her strong participation in India’s freedom struggle showed how courageous she was and also portrayed her will to liberalize people.  With this strong personality at the age of 47, Nirmala Devi decided to develop a technique of offering en masse self-realization. The positive vibes which she passed through her spiritual thoughts has nurtured personality of many individuals. She helped people to identify the true meaning of life through the spirit of meditation.

The awakening and spread of Sahaja Yoga

A divine movement started by Shri Nirmala Devi, ‘Sahaja Yoga‘ is method of self-realization that results in moral, integrated and balanced personality.  This courteous lady spent her own time and money to spread the spiritual power of meditation among the people for their betterment.  She was completely unlike other deceitful gurus who in name of spirituality fraud believers and make money out of it. She neither charged for her lecture nor for her skills to spread self-realization.  She believed that learning is everybody’s birth rite and it should be given for free. After flourishing her good deed in India, she flew to many other countries to spread the power of Sahaja Yoga.

Colossal amount of people, irrespective to caste, religion, social status, age attended and followed her teachings.  Sahaja Yoga centers are now established in around 100 countries around the globe, which includes – America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Pacific regions.

Apart from giving lectures to live audience, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi also proclaimed her believers through other media channels like television, radio and newspaper articles.

Non-profit Organizations & Non Governmental Organizations

With her passion to relieve human sufferings, Shri Nirmala Devi also initiated Non Profit organizations and NGOs all over the world.

Some of her establishments are:

  • Vishwa Nirmala Dharma – Non-Profit Organization in various parts of world
  • An International hospital in Mumbai to cure many incurable diseases through Sahaja Yoga techniques
  • Cancer Research Center in Mumbai to study the impact of Sahaja Yoga methods to cure the illness
  • International Music Institute in Nagpur to spread over the essence of classical music. This institute is now shifted to Vaitarna
  • A charity organization in Delhi to help underprivileged people by providing them food, shelter and Sahaja Yoga teachings for betterment of their lives
  • Meditation centers in over 95 countries

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi happily dedicated her complete life for the well-being and compassion of humanity. She passed away on 23rd February, 2011. Though this glorified woman is not among us but she’ll remain immortal due to her teachings and goodwill work.

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